Certified Yoga Instructor in Hyderabad

YTT Certified teacher having very depth knowledge on both asanas and meditation Technique.

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Health & Fitness

Hatha Yoga

It is a branch of yoga that uses physical techniques that allows to flow energy.

Vinyasa Yoga

The alignment of movement with the breath (changing one asana to another along the breath)

Kundalini Yoga

 It is a type of yoga that involves chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses.

Intuitive Yoga

Intuitive yoga is a practice that involves listening to your body’s signals and moving in response to them

Aroma Yoga

Aroma yoga is a yoga practice that uses essential oils to create a pleasant atmosphere and enhance the yoga experience

Slow Yoga

Slow flow yoga is a gentle, restorative yoga practice that moves at a slower pace and holds poses for longer

Benefits of Yoga​

Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in ancient India. Many people have practiced it for thousands of years.
The act of yoga consists of many poses known as ‘Asana’ that have different physical benefits. It is said that if a person practices yoga, he or she will become healthier .Yoga is a renowned antidote to stress and promotes improved sleeping patterns. Over time, those who practice yoga report lower levels of stress, and increased feelings of happiness and wellbeing. This is because concentrating on the postures and the breath acts as a form of meditation.